Truck Liners Increase Safety and Reduce Running Costs

Truck Liners

We supply truck liners to transport and civil contractors in the Lower North Island.

About Super-Slide Liners

PRF fabricate super-slide liners from a plastic that has a super low coefficient of friction. We have Super – Slide truck liners to suit all applications; from asphalt, sand, gravel, clay, dirt, coal, limestone to sludge and snow. Our Super – Slide truck liners can be installed into:

  • Trucks- end dumpers
  • Trucks – bottom dumpers
  • bins
  • hoppers
  • off-road trucks
  • readi-mix plants
  • tandem trucks
  • conveyors.

In some instances, we are also able to offer on-site installation.


Super-Slide Truck liner Benefits

Increase safety by reducing the chances of twisting or tipping your trailer when dumping. With a lower tipping angle, there is no fear of catching over-hanging power lines whilst spreading roading aggregates.

Save on wear and tear to sidewalls and reduce expenditure as you’ll eliminate dumping the clutch and hitting the brakes to release a load.

Super – Slide eliminates hoist ram damage by trying to jar load off.

Reduced dumping time, therefore, you are able to haul more loads per day.

Full load every trip by having a clean box on each return trip.


What Customers Say

“With the lower tipping height it reduces the risk of
Roll-overs on uneven ground.”
Dave Benefield
I.D. Loader Ltd

“By eliminating the carry-back it’s like having an extra
truck operating without the expenses.”
Bob Hicks
Bob Hick Earthmoving

We can fabricate liners to suit most vehicle applications and love a challenge, so please get in touch.

Tipping Height with Liner

Tipping Height without Liner

Off-Road Dumper Trailer

Off-road Dumper Liner

5 Cube Loader Bucket

Close up 5 Cube Loader Bucket Liner

Off-Road Dumper with & without Liner

Installed Liners

Liner Installation

Installed Liners

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